Who am I?

I’m Kristoffer Lind, a swedish software engineer and site reliability engineer. I currently work at the Lund branch of tretton37. I’ve been curious about technology all my life and in the business since 2009.

Too much information

I was a sergeant and systems technician for communication systems in the military. Following that I was in the family business for a couple of years, working as a stonemason doing mostly kitchen countertops in granite. I’ve also failed at running a company, we charged too little and had only dull projects that focused mostly on design (which I suck at).

I have a wife and three kids. We have a house we’re renovating (including networking, electrical wiring and layout changes). Other projects include: a bunch of software projects, this blog, 3D modeling and woodworking projects. In between those there’s also snowboarding, inline skating, mountainbiking, music (most recent discovery being hitech, oxidaksi - poison turtle is awesome, thanks B1nke) and hiking.


Suggestions, comments or improvements can be done in the repository on github.


You can reach me by email: [email protected]